Laser Hair Removal

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What Is Laser Hair Removal?

For men and women who want to be rid of unwanted hair, advanced laser hair removal technology from Cynosure® can provide an effective and efficient solution for a multitude of skin types. At Aloha Laser Aesthetics, we offer two lasers for hair removal: the Vectus® laser hair removal system and Elite iQ™ laser system, which were each developed to prioritize comfort and deliver exceptional hair reduction results. Our highly-trained laser technicians are experienced in using these systems and know how to customize treatment for optimal outcomes.

If you are considering laser hair removal and want to learn more about our treatment at Aloha Laser Aesthetics, we encourage you to review the informational sections below or contact our office to schedule a consultation.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal?

The Vectus and Elite iQ systems represent the next-generation in laser hair removal from Cynosure, and we are proud to feature these innovative technologies at Aloha Laser Aesthetics. There are many advantages to hair reduction treatment with these systems:

During a personal laser hair removal consultation, we can evaluate your skin, unwanted hair, and expectations to develop an individualized treatment plan designed to meet your goals. All stages of treatment will be discussed so that you are well informed about the entire process.

What Areas Can Laser Hair Removal Treat?

While our lasers can be used to reduce hair almost anywhere on the body and face for all skin types, we most frequently use them to address unwanted hair in these areas:

Both of the lasers we employ are equipped with handpieces of various dimensions and able to target areas of multiple sizes. The small spot size option makes it possible to focus the laser onto smaller, more challenging areas with the same efficiency and speed. Tiny areas requiring retreatment are also ideal for the small spot size. Meanwhile, larger spot sizes can address bigger areas, such as the back or chest.

What Happens During Laser Hair Removal?

The laser hair removal treatment generally begins with an assessment of the area to be treated. You may also be given goggles to protect your eyes throughout the session. When applied to the treatment area for hair reduction, the laser energy from either the Vectus or Elite iQ system can target the hair follicle, ultimately damaging the hair bulb and hair bulge, while leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed. Once the hair bulb has been disrupted by the laser, hair should become lighter, thinner, and slower to grow.

Treatment sessions for expansive areas may only take five to ten minutes using the large spot size, but the precise length of the treatment will vary based on the extent of hair being removed, the location of treatment, and other key factors. Furthermore, laser hair removal is not typically considered painful, but some patients notice a distinct sensation sometimes likened to the snap of a rubber band. This discomfort is usually very mild.

How Many Laser Hair Removal Sessions Will I Need?

Repeated sessions of laser hair removal may be recommended to help achieve optimal hair reduction results. This is because hair grows in three cycles: the initial growth phase (anagen), the transitional phase (catagen), and the resting phase (telogen). Laser hair removal is most effective when performed during the initial growth phase, and sessions are planned according to your body’s individual hair growth cycles. Depending on these unique patterns, patients typically undergo between nine and twelve laser hair removal sessions.

Are There Side Effects from Laser Hair Removal?

Most patients report that both laser hair reduction treatment and the brief recovery process are very manageable—especially compared with less advanced laser hair removal systems of the past. It is possible to experience some redness or skin irritation following treatment; however, the Advanced Contact Cooling™ feature on both systems helps keep skin at an even temperature range during treatment and can limit post-treatment skin effects. Any redness or irritation that may occur typically dissipates quickly.

With the Vectus and Elite iQ systems, there is a very low risk of skin tone changes and other significant side effects because of proprietary safety features designed to protect all skin types and tones. Additionally, candidates are carefully evaluated by our team and our laser operators are highly skilled and trained. During your consultation, any risks will be discussed with you so that you are completely informed.

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?

While the results of laser hair removal can be long-lasting, it is important to note that the treatment was not designed to yield permanent hair removal. Rather, the ultimate goal is to incapacitate the follicles and prevent the hair from ever growing. As a result, some thinner, lighter, slower-growing hairs may remain, but are generally very soft and fine and no longer bother you.

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost?

The cost of your laser hair removal treatment depends on the area(s) you want to treat and the number of sessions it will take to achieve the results you desire. After a laser hair removal consultation, you will be presented with a customized treatment plan and a detailed cost estimate for your plan. As with many of our other aesthetic treatments, buying a package of treatments at once can lower your cost per session, and many of our patients choose to take advantage of this option.

We also offer access to financing through third-party companies. Qualified applicants can arrange low monthly payments on loans that are designed to be affordable—making the payment process more budget-friendly and convenient.

Contact Aloha Laser Aesthetics

To learn more about laser hair removal, clinical-grade skin care products, and the other aesthetic services we provide, please contact our office to speak with a knowledgeable member of our team. We are happy to help you schedule an appointment!

*Individual Results May Vary

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